300k Full Access.txt
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300k full access.txt
Notes:.mw-parser-output .citationword-wrap:break-word.mw-parser-output .citation:targetbackground-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)^ I The opening number denotes sales from the first four days of availability as The Massacre was unconventionally released in the middle of the week.^ II' The Eminem Shows release was pushed up due to bootlegging. In its first week, an unconventional week with only one day of sales, it did 284 000. The opening number denoted is the sales of the albums second week, its first full week of sales.
Perks are permanent bonuses purchased with helium. They persist through portals. Perks are some of the most important persistent upgrade in the game, and should usually be focused on. All perks can be reset and the helium cost fully refunded once per portal. As such, there is no way to permanently screw yourself over. Congratulations.
There is a calculator for optimal fueling, however it is not fully functional until you get your first amalgamator. Before then, you must input your own number of fueling zones, and click 'Optimize.' Once you have amalgamators, you can click 'Minimize' and it will suggest the minimum required fuel zones to get the most amalgamators possible. In both cases, the Fuel Start and Fuel End Zone input boxes will change after you Optimize/Minimize, and you should put those values into the game in Supervision.
After evolving, respec back into fluffy. You should not try to gain helium until you get to E8L10. If the you get excessive dailies, use them for fluffy exp as well. During the grind to E8L10, consider once more updating c2s. Once you eventually reach E8L10, you can move to Universe 2. The full guide will be down below. Everything past this point for U1 will assume you took a trip over to U2.
Block is gone in U2; in its place is a new mechanic called Prismatic Shield. This special shield can be first obtained by beating cell 5 of zone 2, and allows Trimps to resist enemy hits. All enemy hits will target Prismatic Shield first, and then the actual Trimp health once the Shield is depleted. The Prismatic Shield is recharged fully after an enemy is defeated.
Use the Trappa^3 setting in Surky, and go for it. This challenge shouldn't be too bad, and with enough patience, you can snag the achievement for it too. Trimps can't breed, but every trap you use destroys 10% of your resources. Try to separate resource farming time and trapping time accordingly. For the achievement, run a few +1 and +2 maps at z49 for Equipment and Collectors. Start Trapping until your population is full, then start resource farming/use Bone Charges to level up your Equipment. This should give you enough power to grab 2 coordinations from z50/51, then take on Melting Point without issue. This earns you the Resilience perk, and should be the tipping point to allow you to run Melt with no issue. Before you reset though, this is a decent point to grab Microchip 5. Go full science mode and farm for a few hours to 1Qi science. This unlocks the final Microchip and you can yeet that Science staff into oblivion. Melt time. Make sure to run Void Maps before you end your run at z55. Pick up Worshippers at z50 and try to maximize them at all times while running Melts. If not, your Scruffy may end up underleveled for the future. He should be a bit under L6 right now. Keep farming Melts for a while until Scruffy 6 and 500m-1b Radon. This sets you up for a big z70 push with immense rewards.
Additionally, the European Councilconclusions of January 2012 highlighted the importance of unleashing thegrowth-creating potential of a fully integrated Single Market, including measureswith regard to network industries.[2]Furthermore, the Commission Communication on Action for Stability, Growth andJobs adopted on 30 May 2012 stresses the importance of further reducing theregulatory burden and barriers to entry in the rail sector, making country-specificrecommendations to that aim.[3]In the same manner, on 6th June 2012 the Commission adopted theCommunication on strengthening the governance of the Single Market, which alsostressed the importance of the transport sector.[4]Finally, the Single Market Act II adopted by the Commission on 3 October 2012called for the development of fully integrated networks in the Single Marketand indicated in this context the importance of the opening of domestic railpassenger services to operators from another Member State.
To ensure that the views of the full rangeof stakeholders impacted by the eventual measures was gathered, a broad mix oftargeted consultation methods was used. Tailored questionnaires prepared by theconsultant in cooperation with the Commission were sent to each group of mainstakeholders - railway undertakings, infrastructure managers, public transportministries, safety authorities, ministries, representative bodies, workers'organisations etc. The views of passengers were collected through aEurobarometer[11]survey. Local (passenger transport) authorities were consulted with the help ofthe Committee of the Regions from 14 May till 18 June. 11 regions, mostly inFrance and Spain (but also in Austria, Poland, and Netherlands) responded tothe consultation. The full consultation of social partners has also beenconducted in line with the Impact Assessment Guidelines.
3) Representativeness of responses of passengerswould have not been ensured without a structured sampling of responses, and inparticular the Eurobarometer offered the possibility to interview a carefullystructured sample of 25.000 respondents in their own language.
Moreover, a stakeholder hearing took placeon the 29th May (with some 85 participants) and a conference (withsome 420 participants representing the full range of stakeholders in the raildomain) was held on the 24th September. Commission services havealso met with sector representatives on an on-going basis throughout 2012 tolisten to the views, in particular with CER (railway undertakings and holdings),EPTO (passenger transport operators), ETF (transport workers), EPF (passengerfederations), EIM (infrastructure managers) and UITP (urban transport).Dedicated meetings with stakeholders were also organised in France, Germany,Netherlands, Poland, Sweden and UK. The external consultant also conductedface-to-face interviews with stakeholders in Germany, United Kingdom, Italy,Hungary and Sweden.
In order to revitalise their rail sector intimes of severe public budget constraints, more and more Member States haveopened (or are in the process of opening) their domestic rail passenger servicesto competition, either through the introduction of open access rights forcommercial services or through the competitive tendering of PSCs, or both. Giventhat there are no applicable common EU rules, a wide range of differentnational models is emerging in Europe, where some Member States have introducedfull competition for domestic lines and others have kept their marketscompletely closed.
About 40% of all passenger-kilometres inthe EU are so far accessible to new entrants. Only two Member States (UK andSweden) apply a fully open market based on open access and competitivetendering. Germany will now move towards full liberalisation, further to thedecision of the Bundesgerichtshof that all future PSCs will have to becompetitively tendered. However, currently half of passenger-km are still basedon past direct awards of PSCs to Deutsche Bahn. Nine other Member States(Italy, Poland, Austria, Denmark, Bulgaria, Portugal, Netherlands, CzechRepublic and Romania) have to some extent opened their market, however newentrant operators de facto operate only in seven of these countries(Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden and the UnitedKingdom), either in PSCs or open access.
10 Member States (with asterisk),representing 20% of all passenger-kilometres, have opened markets in a way thatallows commercial services in open access to co-exist with directly-awarded PSCs.Further to the Bundesgerichtshof decision (as mentioned above), Germanywill not be part of this group anymore. In Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania andSlovakia, full open access co-exists with a directly-awarded PSC covering allrail services. PSCs in these countries should be de jure competitivelytendered, however de facto only the incumbent participated.
Some Member States can be difficult toclassify and it is necessary to distinguish between prospective analysis(future) and retrospective analysis (past). As Sweden only has abolishedexclusive rights in long distance in 2011 and as Germany will introducecompetitive tendering as from 2012, it makes sense to use a cluster "fullyand largely liberalised" for retrospective analysis. Also, successfultendering of international PSCs suggests that Denmark could easily join thegroup of "partially liberalised" countries for prospective analysis. Moreover,lack of de facto competition for years in quasi-liberalised markets,make them in reality quite similar to non-liberalised markets. Finally, it isimportant to underline that Austria, Czech Republic, Finland, Greece and Spainhave signalled that they intend to take measures to open their railwaymarkets. In the case of Finland, it appears the contract for the suburbanservices of Helsinki would be competitively tendered
The benchmarking exercise demonstrates (cf.box 4a-4b, Annex 3, graph 8 and table 2) that, while satisfaction, modal splitand safety have improved and converged, the gap between Member States has widenedin terms of availability and frequency (cf. Table 1) and the satisfactionindicators appear to have been improving faster in fully or largely liberalisedMember States. Table 2a lists the 6 Member States that have best performed interms of evolution of modal split, satisfaction and rail fares[32]. 041b061a72