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Heleen Van Royen Self Made Pdf 15: How She Created a Multimedia Project with Selfies, Texts and More

Heleen Van Royen Self Made Pdf 15: A Candid Memoir of Sex, Love and Aging

If you are looking for a book that will make you laugh, cry, think and feel, then you should read Heleen Van Royen Self Made Pdf 15. This is not your typical autobiography or self-help book. This is a self-portrait of a woman who decided to document her life at the age of 50 with selfies, texts, emails, diary entries and social media posts. This is a book that will challenge your views on sexuality, intimacy, aging, feminism, creativity and freedom. This is a book that will inspire you to live your life to the fullest.

Heleen Van Royen Self Made Pdf 15

Who is Heleen Van Royen and why did she write this book?

Heleen Van Royen is a Dutch novelist and journalist who has written several best-selling books such as The Happy Housewife, Godin van de Jacht (Goddess of the Hunt) and De Ontsnapping (The Escape). She is known for her bold and provocative style that explores themes such as sex, love, marriage, divorce, motherhood, career, identity and mental health. She has also been involved in various media projects such as hosting a radio show, producing a documentary film and launching a magazine.

She wrote this book because she wanted to celebrate her 50th birthday in a unique way. She wanted to create a self-portrait that would capture her life in all its aspects, from the mundane to the extraordinary, from the joyful to the painful, from the public to the private. She wanted to show herself as she really is, without filters, without masks, without shame. She wanted to share her story with the world and inspire other women to do the same.

However, writing this book was not easy. She faced a lot of controversy and criticism for her explicit and provocative style. Some people accused her of being narcissistic, exhibitionist, vulgar, desperate, pathetic and even mentally ill. Some people questioned her motives, her morals, her credibility and her sanity. Some people tried to censor, ban or boycott her book. But she did not let them stop her. She stood by her work and defended her right to express herself.

What are the main themes and messages of the book?

The book covers a wide range of topics that are relevant and relatable to many women in midlife. Some of the main themes and messages of the book are:

  • The exploration of sexuality and intimacy in midlife. Heleen Van Royen does not shy away from showing her sexual desires, fantasies, experiences and experiments. She talks openly about masturbation, oral sex, anal sex, BDSM, threesomes, swinging, online dating and more. She also shares her intimate moments with her partner Bart Meeldijk, who is 14 years younger than her. She shows that sex is not only for the young and beautiful, but for everyone who wants to enjoy it.

  • The challenge of balancing personal and professional life as a woman. Heleen Van Royen shows the struggles and successes of being a woman who has a career, a family and a social life. She shows how she juggles writing books, hosting shows, producing films, launching magazines and more. She also shows how she deals with the pressures and expectations of being a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend and a lover. She shows that being a woman is not easy, but it is rewarding.

  • The acceptance of aging and mortality. Heleen Van Royen does not hide or deny the signs of aging on her body and face. She shows her wrinkles, sagging skin, gray hair, surgery scars and medical procedures. She also talks about her health issues such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, menopause and breast cancer. She shows that aging is inevitable, but it is not something to be feared or ashamed of. It is something to be embraced and celebrated.

  • The celebration of freedom and creativity. Heleen Van Royen shows her passion and enthusiasm for life and art. She shows how she expresses herself through writing, photography, music, fashion and more. She also shows how she explores new places, cultures, people and experiences. She shows that freedom and creativity are essential for happiness and fulfillment.

How did she create the book and what makes it unique?

The book is not a conventional book with words and pictures on paper. It is a multimedia project that combines different forms of communication and documentation. Some of the features that make it unique are:

  • The use of selfies as a form of self-expression and documentation. Heleen Van Royen took over 200 selfies during the year she was writing the book. She used her smartphone as a tool to capture her moods, emotions, thoughts and events in real time. She used selfies as a way to show herself as she really is, without filters or editing.

  • The incorporation of text messages, emails, diary entries and social media posts. Heleen Van Royen used various digital platforms to communicate with her partner, family, friends, fans and critics. She used text messages, emails, diary entries and social media posts as a way to show her interactions with others as they really happened.

  • The collaboration with photographer Eddy Posthuma de Boer. Heleen Van Royen invited renowned Dutch photographer Eddy Posthuma de Boer to take professional portraits of her in different settings and situations. She used his photos as a way to show herself from another perspective.

  • The interactive and multimedia nature of the book. The book is available in different formats: as a PDF file that can be downloaded from the website; as an app that can be accessed from smartphones or tablets; as an exhibition that can be visited in various locations; as a live performance that can be attended in theaters; as a podcast that can be listened to online or offline.

What are some of the highlights and lowlights of the book?

The book is full of candid and humorous anecdotes about Heleen Van Royen's sex life, relationships and family; honest and vulnerable reflections on her struggles with depression, on how to live authentically and passionately; controversial and shocking images of her naked body, surgery scars and medical procedures. Some of the highlights and lowlights of the book are:

  • The candid and humorous anecdotes about her sex life, relationships and family. Heleen Van Royen shares some of the most intimate and funny details of her sexual adventures with her partner Bart and others. She also talks about her relationship with her ex-husband Ton, her children Sam and Olivia, her parents, her siblings and her friends. She shows that sex and love are not always easy, but they are always worth it.

  • The honest and vulnerable reflections on her struggles with depression, anxiety and loneliness. Heleen Van Royen reveals some of the darkest and most painful moments of her life, such as when she attempted suicide, when she was diagnosed with breast cancer, when she underwent a mastectomy and when she lost her father. She also talks about how she copes with her mental health issues and how she seeks help from professionals and loved ones. She shows that depression, anxiety and loneliness are not something to be ashamed of, but something to be acknowledged and treated.

  • The inspiring and empowering advice on how to live authentically and passionately. Heleen Van Royen shares some of the lessons and insights she has learned from her life experiences. She also gives some tips and suggestions on how to improve one's self-esteem, confidence, happiness and fulfillment. She shows that living authentically and passionately is not something to be afraid of, but something to be proud of.

  • The controversial and shocking images of her naked body, surgery scars and medical procedures. Heleen Van Royen shows some of the most graphic and explicit photos of herself in various stages of undress, illness and recovery. She also shows some of the procedures she underwent to enhance or restore her appearance, such as liposuction, botox injections, breast implants and vaginal rejuvenation. She shows that her body is not something to be hidden or altered, but something to be shown and accepted.

What are some of the reviews and reactions to the book?

The book has received mixed reviews and reactions from critics and readers. Some people praised it for its courage, honesty, humor and originality. Some people criticized it for its narcissism, exhibitionism, vulgarity and triviality. Some people loved it, some people hated it, some people were indifferent to it. Here are some examples of the reviews and reactions to the book:



"Heleen Van Royen Self Made Pdf 15 is a brave and brilliant book that challenges the stereotypes and taboos around sex, love and aging for women. It is a book that celebrates life in all its aspects, from the mundane to the extraordinary, from the joyful to the painful, from the public to the private. It is a book that inspires women to embrace their bodies, their desires, their emotions and their dreams." - Marie Claire

"Heleen Van Royen Self Made Pdf 15 is a pathetic and disgusting book that exploits the insecurities and fears around sex, love and aging for women. It is a book that degrades life in all its aspects, from the mundane to the extraordinary, from the joyful to the painful, from the public to the private. It is a book that manipulates women to expose their bodies, their secrets, their weaknesses and their regrets." - De Telegraaf

and funny about a woman's life at 50. Heleen Van Royen is a great writer and a great person. She made me laugh, cry, think and feel. She made me want to live my life to the fullest and be myself. She is my hero!" - Anna, reader

"I hated this book! It was so boring and annoying to read a book that was narcissistic and vulgar about a woman's life at 50. Heleen Van Royen is a terrible writer and a terrible person. She made me cringe, gag, roll my eyes and yawn. She made me want to avoid her life and be someone else. She is my nightmare!" - Peter, reader

Conclusion: Why should you read Heleen Van Royen Self Made Pdf 15?

Heleen Van Royen Self Made Pdf 15 is a book that will not leave you indifferent. It is a book that will make you laugh, cry, think and feel. It is a book that will challenge your views on sexuality, intimacy, aging, feminism, creativity and freedom. It is a book that will inspire you to live your life to the fullest.

Whether you agree or disagree with Heleen Van Royen's style and choices, you have to admit that she is a woman who dares to be herself and express herself. She is a woman who does not conform to the norms and expectations of society and culture. She is a woman who has a voice and a vision.

So why should you read Heleen Van Royen Self Made Pdf 15? Because it is a book that will make you see yourself and the world in a different way. Because it is a book that will make you appreciate yourself and your life more. Because it is a book that will make you more alive.

If you are interested in reading Heleen Van Royen Self Made Pdf 15, you can download it from the website or access it from the app. You can also visit the exhibition or attend the live performance if they are available in your area. You can also follow Heleen Van Royen on social media or contact her through email.


  • Q1: Where can I download Heleen Van Royen Self Made Pdf 15? A1: You can download it from the website

  • Q2: How long is Heleen Van Royen Self Made Pdf 15? A2: The PDF file is 256 pages long.

  • Q3: Is Heleen Van Royen Self Made Pdf 15 suitable for all audiences? A3: No, it is not suitable for all audiences. It contains explicit and graphic content that may be offensive or disturbing to some people. It is recommended for mature readers only.

  • Q4: What are some other books by Heleen Van Royen? A4: Some of her other books are The Happy Housewife, Godin van de Jacht, De Ontsnapping, De Hartsvriendin, De Mannentester and Sexdagboek.

  • Q5: How can I contact Heleen Van Royen or follow her on social media? A5: You can contact her through email at or follow her on Twitter (@HeleenvanRoyen), Instagram (@heleenvanroyen) or Facebook (Heleen van Royen).



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